Morula IVF
Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing

Sperm DNA Fragmentation Testing

DNA fragmentation testing of sperm is a test that is performed to evaluate the damage to DNA in sperm. This test is important for couples who are having difficulty conceiving, especially patients with a history of miscarriage.

Normal sperm has intact and undamaged DNA, which allows it to fertilize an egg and develop into a healthy fetus. However, sperm with high DNA fragmentation values ​​indicate that DNA damage can affect the quality of the embryo, cause interference in the sperm cells in fertilizing the egg, increase the risk of miscarriage, genetic abnormalities in the fetus, and difficulty in the pregnancy process. Therefore, sperm DNA fragmentation testing is very important in determining the chances of success of pregnancy programs.

The method used in sperm DNA fragmentation testing is sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) where doctors can know what percentage of DNA damage is on the patient’s sperm. The results of this test will provide an overview of the percentage of damaged DNA in sperm, so that it can help doctors determine the right type of treatment to improve the chances of success of pregnancy programs for couples.

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