Morula IVF

​​Interesting Journey of the Sperm to the Egg Cell. Let’s Find Out!

June 6, 2022

​​Interesting Journey of the Sperm to the Egg Cell. Let’s Find Out!

Pregnancy can happen if the sperm cells meet and fertilize the egg in the ovary. Of the millions of sperm cells released by men during ejaculation, only one will make it to the egg. So how does the sperm travel to the egg?

When ejaculating, a man can release 150-200 million sperm cells. Just imagine, of the hundreds of millions of sperm cells, there is only one that managed to fertilize the egg and may grow into you today. That means you are the strongest sperm cell released by the father so that it can reach the uterus and successfully fertilize the mother’s egg.

As explained above, the fertilization process can occur if there are two important elements, namely the egg and sperm. Every month a woman will release an egg that is ripe and ready to be fertilized. Once released, the egg will pass through the Fallopian tube to the uterus. Usually, the released egg can survive up to 24 hours.

Whereas in men, sperm cells are produced regularly throughout their life. In a healthy man, he can release from 20 to 300 million sperm cells in 1 ml of semen. However, it only takes one of the best sperm cells to fertilize an egg.

Then how is the process or journey until the sperm cell can get to the egg cell? If you’re curious, don’t miss out on the full review below!

 Sperm Cell Journey Process To Egg Cell

The process or journey of the sperm cell to the egg cell goes through several important stages, namely:

1. Ejaculation in Men

The journey of sperm to the egg begins when the sperm exits the opening at the tip of the head of the penis or urethra when a man ejaculates. Ejaculation pushes semen (containing sperm) into the vagina towards the cervix. The help of natural mucus in the vagina will make the sperm carry to the cervix.

2. The Journey to the Egg

After successfully passing through the cervix or uterine cervix, then the sperm will swim in the uterus or uterus until it reaches the estuary of the Fallopian tube.

You need to know that every month a woman is only able to produce one egg. In addition, you also cannot predict which channel contains mature eggs, whether in the left or right channel. Therefore, sperm cells must be able to determine the right choice in order to fertilize properly.

If the sperm cell chooses the wrong channel, then the journey that has been passed so far is in vain. This is because the energy of sperm cells is very limited, so it is only enough to explore one channel. However, if the sperm cell manages to choose the correct channel, then other efforts are still needed to reach the egg.

After arriving at the right channel, the sperm cell must also swim against the current and then push the egg towards the uterus. Faced with a situation like this, usually, there will be sperm cells that are confused so that they start swimming around aimlessly and will eventually die because there is a limit to how many days the sperm can last in the uterus before it can reach the egg.

As for the most powerful sperm, they usually will immediately know the direction and purpose. After successfully penetrating the uterine wall, this best sperm will meet the egg, which is on its way. At this stage, there are still around 300 sperm cells that survive and are still struggling to reach the finish line.

3. Sperm Successfully Meets Egg

Before successfully fertilizing the egg, the sperm cell still has to struggle to penetrate the egg wall. At this stage, the sperm cells will bang themselves against the outer skin of the cell.

From the approximately 300 fighters who had survived before, there would only be one sperm cell that made it through the wall and was accepted to fertilize the egg.

If the sperm is not able to meet the egg, then the sperm is still able to survive in the woman’s body for a maximum of 7 days. At this time, the opportunity to get pregnant is still great when the woman releases the egg.

The Process After the Journey of Sperm Meets Eggs

If the sperm cell successfully meets the egg, it means that fertilization occurs, and then pregnancy occurs. This condition is a sign of sperm entering the ovaries and merging to form a fetus.

You need to know that the egg that has matured and is released from the ovary is ready to be fertilized. Once released, the egg will pass through the Fallopian tube to the uterus. Once released, you need to know how long the egg will last in the uterus so that it is ready to be fertilized, which is only 24 hours on average. If not fertilized, the egg will shed and become menstruated.

After fertilization, the egg will turn into a zygote. Furthermore, the zygote will continue to develop into a fetus. For those who don’t know, a zygote is a cell formed from the fertilization of an egg by a sperm in a woman’s uterus.

The Process of Pregnancy in Brief

The explanation of the journey of the sperm cell until it finally meets the egg and fertilization occurs above may be quite difficult for you to understand. But don’t worry, because there is a shorter explanation that is easier for you to understand.

The process of pregnancy briefly begins with an intimate relationship between a man and a woman. When a man reaches orgasm, the sperm will come out and go straight into the woman’s vagina. Furthermore, with the help of mucus in the vagina, sperm will be brought to the cervix.

From the cervix, the sperm will swim towards the oviduct. Here the sperm cell must choose to go to the left or right of the oviduct because only one has a mature egg and is ready to be fertilized. If it manages to find the right oviduct, the sperm cells will try to penetrate the uterine wall until finally, only one sperm cell manages to enter and meet the egg cell. From here, fertilization occurs, resulting in pregnancy. The sign of successful fertilization is that the egg will turn into a zygote and eventually will grow into a fetus.

That’s all the interesting journey of the sperm to the egg that you need to know. Who would have thought that to become the person you are today, you have gone through a long and arduous journey. From the millions of sperm cells produced by a father, you are the most powerful and can finally be born and feel the life of this world. So there’s no reason to be weak because you’ve been fighting since the sperm, right?

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