Morula IVF

Breathless During Pregnancy? Here’s the Cause and How to Overcome It

December 15, 2022

Breathless During Pregnancy? Here’s the Cause and How to Overcome It

Pregnant women will undoubtedly feel short of breath during pregnancy. Yes, it’s perfectly normal when pregnant because weight gain and an enlarged belly are unavoidable. This can make you feel many complaints during pregnancy, such as quick tiredness and shortness of breath. This is a natural thing for pregnant women to handle, so we need to deal with it early on. Check out the causes of shortness of breath during early pregnancy and how to overcome it.

Congestion When Pregnant

Breathless during pregnancy, pregnant women usually experience intense shortness of breath so that they will feel suffocated, and pregnant women will be disturbed and uncomfortable.

Generally, breathlessness during 7 months of pregnancy will be more severe.

This breathless will feel heavy when the mother is going to sleep. Therefore, mothers must know how to overcome breathlessness in pregnant women while sleeping. Quoted from the March of Dimes, being breathless during pregnancy is common. Most pregnant women experience this condition either in the first or late trimester.

This condition is not dangerous and does not affect the oxygen the baby receives. Moreover, about 70% of women experience this respiratory problem. This can occur in all pregnancy conditions, including standard or pregnancy complications.

A tight stomach and breathlessness during pregnancy can trigger a reduced air supply into the lungs, making it difficult for pregnant women to breathe. Moreover, a tight and tight stomach during 9 months of pregnancy will experience many risks and make you uncomfortable. Since, at 9 months, the stomach has an oversized shape, and the fetus will soon be born.

Causes of Breathless During Pregnancy

There are many causes of breathlessness during pregnancy. Although this is a common condition, breathlessness during pregnancy may not be caused by just one factor. One of them is the development of the uterus. These factors can occur because the uterus continues to enlarge to changes in heart performance. It should also be noted that breathlessness can occur at various stages of pregnancy.

How to Overcome Breathless During Pregnancy

How overcome breathlessness when pregnant at 7 months is easy to do. Therefore, pregnant women need to know how and how to deal with shortness of breath while pregnant. Shortness of breath will cause the mother to disturb sleep time, especially if you have shortness of breath at night during pregnancy. There are several ways to deal with breathlessness during pregnancy, as follows:

  1. Sitting or standing straight: This position will give the lungs more room to expand. You can do it when you have breathlessness and are 4 months pregnant.
  2. Not in a hurry when doing activities: The way to deal with breathlessness during 8 months of pregnancy is to not be in a hurry. This will reduce the work of the heart and lungs.
  3. Raise your hands above your head: How to overcome breathlessness during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, namely by raising your hands above your head, you can immediately release the pressure. So you can breathe more air.
  4. Using a pillow: When you are breathless during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, you can use a pillow under the side to reduce pressure on the lungs so that it is easier to breathe.
  5. Generally, pregnant women will find it difficult to get a comfortable sleeping position with the passage of gestation.

 If you have difficulty sleeping due to annoying breathlessness, consider to do the following actions:

  • Change sleeping position
  • Elevate your head
  • Using a maternity pillow

Yes, being breathless during the third trimester of pregnancy is very risky and not easy for pregnant women. Breathlessness during pregnancy is normal and often occurs in pregnant women. But you also have to know how to deal with it so as not to interfere with the pregnancy’s health and the pregnant woman’s respiratory health.

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