Morula IVF

Before Undergoing the IVF Program, Make Sure These 7 Conditions Are Fulfilled

December 5, 2022

Before Undergoing the IVF Program, Make Sure These 7 Conditions Are Fulfilled

Having children is the desire of every married couple. But unfortunately, some couples have difficulty conceiving due to certain factors. For this reason, the IVF program is one solution.

The IVF program is a process of fertilization of eggs by sperm which is not done through sexual intercourse but a laboratory process. If it is successful, the embryo will be inserted into the woman’s uterus, and the fetus will develop in the womb as usual.

Despite having a 50-60% success rate, married couples must meet IVF requirements before undergoing this program. That means not all couples can do it.

So what are the requirements for IVF that every couple must fulfill? Come on, see the whole discussion below.

What is IVF Program?

As explained above, fertilization is done outside the uterus through in vitro fertilization or IVF. The purpose of this program is to produce embryos or prospective babies. One of the most qualified embryos will be selected from the existing embryos, which is then inserted into the uterus to develop.

Even though it is done through a laboratory process, babies born from IVF have the same abilities as normal babies. But the difference is babies born from this process generally have a lower weight.

7 Requirements for IVF

For the IVF process to be successful, the husband and wife must meet the following requirements for IVF. If it is not fulfilled, the IVF process cannot be completed. What are those?

1. Legal Married Couple

The main requirement for IVF is that it must be a legal husband and wife couple. In addition, sperm and eggs must be from the husband and wife, not donors from other people outside the couple.

Therefore, prospective patients who want to do the IVF program must show personal data in an ID card, family card, and a valid marriage certificate.

2. Haven’t Started Menopause

Age is not a requirement for IVF. It means that anyone of any age can join this program. Women of any age can do this program as long as they are not menopausal.

However, age is one of the determining factors for the success of your IVF program. Women under the age of 30 have a greater chance of succeeding. While women aged 40 years and over have a smaller chance.

3. No History of Disease

Health is also one of the requirements for IVF that must be fulfilled. In this case, the husband and wife must be healthy and have no history of disease, especially for women.

If a woman has a history of severe diseases such as heart disease or hypertension, it can worsen the pregnancy. Therefore, the health factor is significant.

4. Healthy Uterus Condition

In addition to not having a severe illness, women who want to undergo the IVF program must also have a healthy uterus. Later the uterus has a vital role in accepting the transfer of embryos from the IVF process.

Therefore, there should not be fibroids, polyps, and other uterine disorders that hinder the embryo’s attachment. The doctor will treat a problem first before continuing the IVF program if a problem is found.

5. No Fluid in the Ovaries

In one or both ovaries, it is necessary to ensure no fluid because the presence of fluid can interfere with the embryo implantation process. Therefore, doctors need to perform a laparoscopic procedure to prevent the embryo from adhering to the uterine wall.

6. Performing Basic Checking Process

The following requirement for IVF is to pass an essential examination carried out by a doctor. The basic examination aims to ensure that the couple is physically ready to carry out the IVF process.

7. Mentally and Financially Ready

The success rate of the IVF program is high, but that does not mean it is 100% successful. Some couples fail to do this process. Therefore, married couples must be mentally prepared for whatever happens. Both if the program succeeds and fails.

In addition, financial readiness is also a requirement for IVF, which is also essential. The cost of IVF is quite expensive and is not covered by BPJS. So, make sure your finances are ready to run the process from the beginning to the end.

IVF Process Stages

Having offspring using the IVF process requires a long process and costs a lot of money. 5 stages need to be passed to run it, that are:

1. Ovulation Induction

The IVF process begins with the ovulation induction process, namely providing stimulation to the ovaries. Usually, women will release an egg every month that is ready to be fertilized.

However, in the IVF process, the release of eggs is carried out with drug stimulation. Some drugs used to stimulate egg release include luteinizing hormone, HCG injections, and progesterone supplements.

Induction of ovulation takes up to 2 weeks. Later, a transvaginal ultrasound will be performed to ensure that this process is successful.

2. Egg Collection

If the IVF requirements are met and ovulation induction has been carried out, the doctor will take the eggs and check their quality. The egg is then combined with the sperm in a particular container.

3. Conception

Next, the eggs and sperm put together in a particular container are transferred to an incubator for fertilization. This process can also be done by injecting sperm into the egg to speed up fertilization.

4. Embryo Selection

The fertilization of the egg by the sperm will produce an embryo. The embryo is then selected with the best quality to be attached to the uterus.

5. Embryo Attachment

Finally, the most qualified embryos are transferred to the uterus through attachment or implantation. Generally, this process is done less than 7 days after fertilization.

If the embryo successfully attaches to the uterus, then pregnancy occurs. But if not, then the IVF program is declared a failure and the husband and wife need to repeat the process from the beginning if they want to try again.

Tips for a Successful IVF

Given the possibility of failure in the IVF process, you need to pay attention to the 5 tips below so that the success of the program increases:

  1. Having a healthy lifestyle
  2. Eat nutritious food
  3. Live a healthier and more balanced life
  4. Quit smoking
  5. Avoid stress and pressure

That’s a review of IVF requirements, stages, and tips for a successful IVF program. However, the success of the IVF program still depends on the physical condition and health of each partner. Therefore, prepare yourself carefully before starting the program so that the results are in line with expectations.

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