dr. Merry Amelya PS, SpOG is an obstetrics and gynecology expert who is interested in women’s reproductive health. She is a young doctor who is very accomplished.
Graduated from the Education Program Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology with Cum Laude predicate at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (2011-2015) Jakarta, and dr. Merry Amelya PS, Sp.OG once served as Chair of the PAOGI Education Sie (Association of Young Members of Indonesian Obstetrics and Gynecology). She was also elected as an exemplary doctor at RSIA Bunda Jakarta, RSU Bunda Margonda Depok (2010).
dr. Merry Amelya PS, Sp. OG joined Morula IVF Jakarta because she is passionate about helping couples who have problems trying to have a baby. She believes that Morula clinic is the best IVF clinic with the best facilities and comfortable services to help couples get the desired baby.
“Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, Positive Pregnancy”.